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Jury Day Procedures

Prior to Jury Day

In the event of inclement weather, announcements will be made on local radio station WSBG FM 93.5 and television stations WBRE channel 28, WYOU channel 22, WNEP channel 16,and local cable channel 13.

The Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County is required by law to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. For information about accessible facilities and reasonable accommodations available to disabled individuals, please contact Jury Management at (570) 517-3001 or (570) 517-3110. All arrangements must be made at least 7 days prior to Jury Duty.

Smoking or use of any tobacco products is prohibited on county property.

On Jury Day

Arrive early to accommodate parking your vehicle and passing through security.

Parking is available, at the juror's own risk, in the Monroe County Parking Facility, North 6th Street, Stroudsburg, PA. Do not park in reserved spaces. Should the parking deck be filled to capacity, you must obtain a special permit from the parking deck attendant prior to parking on the street at a meter. You must show the parking deck attendant your summons. Attached to the special parking permit is a map indicating which streets and meters where you are permitted to park. Clearly display the parking permit you receive from the parking deck attendant in your front window. If you are selected for a trial you will receive a parking deck code from court staff which is only for use in the Monroe County Parking Facility and not for metered parking or municipal parking deck.

You are required to report promptly at the designated time, date and locaton as stated on your jury summons. There may be unavoidable periods of delay between selection of juries; therefore, the Court suggests that you bring reading material to pass the time. However, newspapers are not permitted.

Entrance to the Courthouse requires passing through a metal detector. Allow sufficient time for this process by arriving early and limiting the number of items you are bringing into the Courthouse. Be aware that the following items are only a sample of what is not permitted, into the Courthouse and will be confiscated by the Sheriff's Office:  pepper spray containers, handcuff keys, firearms, all knives, razors, box cutters, scissors.

There are many fine restaurants in Stroudsburg within walking distance from the Courthouse. The time allocated for lunch is usually one (1) hour.

Additional Information

The 43rd Court of Common Pleas utilizes the 'One Day/One or More Trial(s)' juror system. If you are selected as a juror, you will report back at a designated time(s) and date(s) to complete your jury service.

All Jurors will receive $9.00 per day for the first three days and $25.00 for each subsequent day. These are set by the State Legislature. All jurors will receive 17 cents per mile traveled to and from the Courthouse for each day served. Mileage is computed automatically by each juror's zip code. Payment will be made by check approximately 4 weeks after service.