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Magisterial District Judges

The Magisterial District Court is the first level of judicial authority in Pennsylvania and is the court where most people experience the judicial system for the first time. There are nine District Judges’ offices located geographically in such a manner as to be available to all the citizenry of Monroe County. They are elected to serve in their districts for six-year terms.

Magisterial District Judges handle all traffic cases, other minor criminal cases and civil cases involving amounts up to $12,000. District Judges also set bail and conduct preliminary hearings in misdemeanor and felony criminal cases to determine if the cases should be dismissed or transferred to the Court of Common Pleas for further proceedings

District Judges are required to attend classes on the judicial system and pass a written examination prior to being seated on the bench.  They must also attend continuing education programs each year. 

43-2-01 Magisterial District Court
Stroudsburg Borough

Honorable Kristina Anzini
Pocono Outlet Complex 
823-A Ann Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 420-3492

Office is next to the outlets on Ann St. The office is located in the strip mall in the back of the parking lot ALL the way to the left.

43-2-02 Magisterial District Court
East Stroudsburg Borough

Honorable Michael Wolbert
98 Day Street

East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

Phone: (570) 420-3496

Washington St, make left onto Day Street (Rudy’s is on the left corner). Office is in the same complex as Stroud Area Regional Police. Magistrate’s office is on the right of the building.

43-3-01 Magisterial District Court
Coolbaugh Township

Honorable Danielle Travagline
5560 Municipal Drive
Tobyhanna, PA 18466
Phone: (570) 894-8566
Take Route 611N through Mt. Pocono. Continue on 611N a couple of miles to the Municipal Building on left. Make left at light just before the building. Magistrate’s office is located in the left end of the building.


43-3-02 Magisterial District Court
Hamilton Township, Stroud Township

Honorable Paul J. Gasper
1211 North Fifth Street  
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 420-3494

From courthouse take Sarah St. to light on 5th St. Make left at light go approximately 1 mile. District court is located on the left side of the road in the Stroud Township building, entrance is on the right side of the building.

43-3-03 Magisterial District Court
Jackson Township, Pocono Township

Honorable Daniel Kresge
3361 Route 611 
Suite 4
Bartonsville, PA 18321
Phone: (570) 629-1460
Take I-80W to Exit 302 - PA 611/Bartonsville.
Turn left off of the exit to PA611 North.
Follow 611N for 1 mile.
Court is located in the Bartonsville Commons - Suite #4.

43-3-04 Magisterial District Court
Chestnuthill Township, Eldred Township, Polk Township, Ross Township

Honorable Colleen Mancuso
1479 Route 209  
PO Box 218 
Brodheadsville, PA 18322
Phone: (570) 992-4919

Route 33 to the Lehighton exit (Route 209). Take 209 into Chestnuthill Township (you’ll go through 3 traffic lights). At the 3rd light is the 209/115 split. Continue on Route 209 about a half mile. Office is on right side located just before old location of Kinsley’s Shop Rite.


43-4-01 Magisterial District Court
Delaware Water Gap, Middle Smithfield Township, Smithfield Township

Honorable Jamie Levy
1155 Red Fox Road  
P.O. Box 1127
Marshalls Creek, PA 18335
Phone (570) 223-1287

Route 80 East to Marshalls Creek exit. Just continue on Route 209 about 2 miles to left onto Twin Falls Road. Follow road around pond, bear left onto Red Fox Road. Follow signs to Smithfield Twp Municipal Center. Physical address is 1155 Red Fox Rd., East Stroudsburg 18301. The district court is located on the first floor through the front main doors.

43-4-02 Magisterial District Court
Barrett Township, Mount Pocono Borough, Paradise Township, Price Township

Honorable Phillip R. Riley
1200 Route 390
Suite 102
Cresco, PA 18326
Phone (570) 595-2520

 Start on PA ROUTE 611, going toward Mount Pocono. Turn onto WOODLAND ROAD. Turn LEFT onto CARLTON RD. Follow for approximately .3 miles. Once you reach the end of Carlton Road, there will be a stop light and a gas station on your left.  Turn RIGHT onto PA-940 EAST. Follow for approximately .3 miles. You will reach a stop light. Turn LEFT onto PA-390 NORTH. Follow for approximately 1.2 miles to the end where you will reach a stop sign. Turn LEFT onto PA-191 NORTH/PA-390 NORTH. Follow for approximately 3.4 miles. Turn RIGHTonto THOMPSON WAY (Barrett Admin Recreation Complex). Keep slightly RIGHT. Follow signs to District Court 43-4-02. The Court is in the back of the building.


43-4-04 Magisterial District Court
Tobyhanna Township, Tunkhannock Township

Honorable Richard White
1878 Route 940, Suite 203
Pocono Pines, PA 18350
Phone (570) 646-7949

80W to exit for Route 940. Make left onto Route 940, take into Pocono Pines. After you pass Route 423 there is an ice cream stand on the right, the office is the second building on the left. Located on the corner of Route 940E and Hemlock Lane. Left into driveway, office is located in the BACK of the building.